Bouncing back from job rejection

Bouncing back from job rejection

 1 Dec 2023

Although job rejection is a bitter pill to swallow, it is only a temporary setback which, in all probability, is going to lead to on to something better. This blog will give you the strategies you need to take the sting out of rejection and turn it into a stepping stone to new opportunities.



The first step is to accept that you are likely to feel disappointed and frustrated.

Everyone faces rejection at some point in their career;  it’s not a reflection of your worth or abilities but rather a part of the job market dynamics and can often be put down to  ‘wrong place, wrong time’. There are many examples of a person being turned down by a particular employer only to be offered a role by the same company at another time.



After the initial emotions have settled, get in touch with your recruiter or hiring manager for constructive feedback. While not all companies provide feedback, some may offer insights into why you weren't selected. This information can be invaluable for your professional development, helping you understand areas for improvement or skills to focus on.

When seeking feedback, approach the conversation with an open mind. Use the information as a tool for growth rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Constructive criticism can be the catalyst for positive change and improvement.



Take some time to reflect on the entire interview process. Consider what went well and identify areas where you could improve your performance. Reflecting on your experiences can help you refine your approach for future interviews. Ask yourself:

  • Were you well-prepared for the interview questions?
  • Did you effectively communicate your skills and experience?
  • Did you research the company thoroughly?

Every interview you complete whether positive or negative,  is great experience and will enable you to hone your skills for the next one.


Keep positive

Maintaining a positive outlook is crucial when facing job rejection. It's easy to fall into a negative thought pattern, but this can impact your performance at interview and won't serve you well in the long run.

Remind yourself that rejection is not a measure of your self-worth. In fact, a rejection might be steering you away from a role or company that wouldn't have been the right fit for you. Trust the process and believe that the right opportunity is still ahead. Cultivating a positive outlook can make a significant difference in how you approach future job applications and interviews.



Use the time between job applications to invest in your professional development. Identify areas where you can enhance your skills or acquire new ones that are in demand.

Not only does this make you a more competitive candidate, but it also demonstrates to potential employers that you are proactive and committed to continuous improvement.


Keep going

Job hunting can be a lengthy process, and rejection is a natural part of it. Stay persistent and resilient in the face of setbacks. Set realistic goals, break down the job search process into manageable steps, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Developing resilience is a valuable skill that will serve you not only in your job search but throughout your entire career.


Handling job rejection is a challenging aspect of the job search process, but it's essential to approach it with resilience. Remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth but an opportunity for improvement.

Use the experience to reflect on your skills and invest in professional development. Ensure you have a good support system, stay persistent, and know that the right opportunity is on the horizon.





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