Should I ask for a pay rise?

Should I ask for a pay rise?

 28 Jul 2020

Careers have stalled amid the Covid-19 crisis. There have been pay cuts, promotions have been put on hold and there is talk of resourcing issues and restructuring. The threat of redundancy has reared ... read more

Successful job searching in lockdown

Successful job searching in lockdown

 29 Jun 2020

As we continue to experience the effects of the coronavirus and with a significant proportion of the world’s workforce still on lock down, job seekers may well think they are wasting their time. But w... read more

Mental Health post Covid-19 - what can we do to support ourselves and our staff?

Mental Health post Covid-19 - what can we do to support ourselves and our staff?

 16 Jun 2020

We’ve been hearing a lot about mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, as we celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week in May, we were all in lockdown. Even for the most seemingly robust peo... read more

All change? Has coronavirus altered the way we work forever?

All change? Has coronavirus altered the way we work forever?

 17 May 2020

Coronavirus has impacted us all – as employers, employees, and individuals. We have had to adapt rapidly, and it has forced us to plan for an entirely different way of living and working. But as we ge... read more

How to manage remote teams

How to manage your team remotely

 29 Mar 2020

Many firms have been moving towards or even embracing agile working over recent years. Not surprising given the cost and scarcity of corporate space, and surveys like the Modern Families Index 2020 hi... read more

Covid 19 - A message from Cathy

Covid 19 - A message from Cathy

 19 Mar 2020

As more and more people are being affected in a myriad of different ways by the impact of Covid 19, it is beyond doubt that we have a crisis on our hands. Keeping ourselves and others safe has to take... read more

Asking for promotion

Asking for promotion

 29 Jan 2020

Few of us like blowing our own trumpet but if ever there was a time to do it, this is the time! However, there are ways and means. You are unlikely to achieve much, either in terms of promotion or win... read more

Tell me about a time when...

Tell me about a time

 21 Jan 2020

OK, so you’ve had your interview confirmation come through and you’ve found out there’s a competency based element to it – Yikes! The competency based interview can feel quite daunting initially but w... read more

Top interview tips

Top interview tips

 14 Jan 2020

Having decided to find a new job, give yourself a head start by following our top tips for interview success: Know the role you are going for Most recruiters will send you a job specification, or you ... read more

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