Advance your career with social media

Advance your career with social media

 5 May 2023

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use it to connect with friends, share our experiences, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends. But, social media can also be a po... read more

How to negotiate a payrise

How to negotiate a payrise

 14 Mar 2023

The majority of firms recognize that one of the key ways to attract and retain staff is to make sure that they pay scales are within market rate. But, how do you negotiate to best effect if you feel t... read more

Employee engagement - what is it and how to achieve it

Employee engagement - what is it and how to achieve it

 23 Feb 2023

What is it? Employee engagement feeds into every part of someone’s employment with the firm they are working for. It’s about far more than just retention; it affects how your employees show up for wor... read more

How to stand out at work

How to stand out at work

 2 Feb 2023

Whether you are positioning for promotion in your current firm or looking to build your CV for new career opportunities, follow these steps to stand out from the crowd and give yourself the best chanc... read more

New year, new start?

New year, new start?

 12 Jan 2023

The festive holidays are more often than not a good chance to draw breath and think clearly for perhaps the first time in ages. Life and work have a habit of being a bit of a hamster wheel and it’s no... read more

How to avoid Christmas burn-out

How to avoid Christmas burn-out

 7 Dec 2022

The UK Government has not been kind to the tax industry, with deadlines that wreak havoc on our Christmas wind down plans! Throw December year-ends into the mix, on top of a relentlessly busy twelve m... read more

Recruitment trends - what's happening

Recruitment trends - what's happening

 14 Nov 2022

It’s been a tumultuous few months with an unsettled political and economic climate affecting the financial markets. But has this affected the tax recruitment market? The short answer is “no”! There is... read more

Are you a great leader?

Are you a great leader?

 25 Oct 2022

Of course this is subjective, but from your own perspective, how do you rate yourself and what might you consider the essential skills necessary to be one? Perhaps you are already at the top of your g... read more

Quiet-quitting. What is it and should I do it?

Quiet-quitting. What is it and should I do it?

 28 Sep 2022

There’s been a lot of talk in the press and on social media over recent months about quiet-quitting. But what is it and what are the pros and cons? Quiet quitting doesn’t involve resigning but is the ... read more

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